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From online learning to hybrid work environments and even remote telehealth solutions, signs of digital transformation are everywhere. Especially with 94% of companies now leveraging cloud services, embracing Audiovisual as a Service (AVaaS) is no longer optional for organizations looking to maintain a competitive edge.

This shift marks a clear signal: businesses must embrace AVaaS as an alternative to purchasing technological equipment, software, systems, and communications hardware outright if they wish to remain at the forefront of technology and innovation.


Benefits to AVaaS and Audio Equipment Financing 

Like all “as a service” options, AVaaS allows you to tap into the newest AV innovations in a subscription-based format. As long as the subscription is kept up to date, your organization can enjoy leading-edge technological experiences, including video conferencing tools, facial recognition security, smart HVAC systems, VR training platforms, digital signage, and automated inventory systems.

Investing in AVaaS can benefit your business in several other ways as well. The first is the ability to access the newest high-quality AV products and choices without incurring unnecessary procurement, maintenance, and replacement expenses. Being an early tech adopter can be hard on any organization’s budget, but AVaaS makes it possible to tap into AV innovation products in a fiscally responsible manner.

Another advantage to putting money into AVaaS is the chance to “keep up” from a technological standpoint. Technology is evolving at breakneck speed. What works or seems current now is unlikely to satisfy the needs of end users a year or two from now. AVaaS bypasses the need to keep buying technological AV innovation devices and software that will quickly depreciate and become outdated. At the same time, AVaaS facilitates a more streamlined and efficient digital landscape, producing stronger user engagement and results.

A third benefit of AVaaS is promoting digital inclusivity. As accessibility becomes a crucial objective for leading organizations, AVaaS enables users from diverse locations to enhance their technological expertise with state-of-the-art AV solutions. This functionality not only democratizes access to advanced technology but also elevates your organization’s value by embracing inclusivity and expanding opportunities for all users.


4 Steps to Consider Before Implementing AVaaS in Your Business

With so many reasons to invest in AVaaS, now is the time to reframe how you think about your business’s audiovisual needs. Remember, AVaaS is more than just setting up a subscription; it’s a fiscal shift from seeing audiovisual tools and products as capital expenditures to necessary operational expenses to remain competitive.

So, how can you begin the strategic approach to acquiring AV innovation solutions for your organization? The following steps are a great place to start.


  1. Find out about emerging and trending AVaaS and AV products.

You can’t improve cash flow if you don’t know what’s available. AV technologies are in a constant state of flux and new tech startups are entering the field each year. However, not all AV solutions, devices, or equipment are appropriate for all situations or providers. Consequently, you should take time to research what’s currently being offered so you can pick the products that best suit your business’s unique needs.


  1. Assess necessary audiovisual solutions.

In tandem with identifying different AVaaS possibilities, take time to assess your existing and future AV needs. This foresight is necessary before any AVaaS adoption because it ensures that the AV technology will support specific business goals, customer needs, and partner expectations. Once all needs are pinpointed and outlined, begin sifting through the results of your investigation into available AVaaS products, software, and providers.


  1. Free up cash for AV financing.

It’s especially important to have funds set aside for AVaaS before entering into any agreements with your preferred AVaaS suppliers. These funds should be considered operational expenses since equipment will not be purchased directly. However, you may still want to explore more traditional AV financing (e.g., through an equipment financing lender like PEAC Solutions) if you intend to own concrete assets, such as AV hardware, computers, or physical servers.


  1. Pilot AVaaS projects on a small scale at first.

Starting with a modified AVaaS pilot program in a department or within a function can test the applicability and functionality of the solution before widespread implementation. Through the pilot program, you can measure the usage and effectiveness of the service. You can also make changes without disrupting all workflows. If the AVaaS isn’t suitable for your organization’s needs, it’s much easier to switch to a different model or product since the adoption footprint has been limited to a narrow field of users and conditions.


The pace of AV technology advancement is on a breakneck trajectory. Yet, bringing AV innovation into your organization doesn’t have to break the bank. With AVaaS, you can finance the most current audio equipment, software, and more without risking cash flow or cash reserves, ultimately setting your business up for success as the digital landscape continues to evolve.


PEAC Solutions is a DBA of Marlin Leasing Corporation. Equipment financing is provided by Marlin Leasing Corporation. Working capital loans are originated by WebBank.